I need to relax..!

Cutest game character yet for the TOHU game walkthrough

How do I calm my nerves before a voice over recording?

Performing can more than highlight a problem with nerves. Nerves can affect your whole body & mind.

In live Theatre this can lead to stage fright and a very quick, awkward exit! In voice overs the nerves go straight through the mic. What you feel the listener hears straight away.

Thankfully I have never experienced complete stage fright but I have certainly had my share of nervous times with first nights, first days of rehearsals, cover actors on when an actor is off ill or when someone else on stage unexpectedly gets nervous and forgets their lines mid scene! Usually even if you are extremely nervous on stage you are far enough away from the eager audience to cover up funny mannerisms nerves bring out. You can breath deeper and move around, character allowing, to relax yourself while “in the moment”.

However a funny thing about voice acting is just how much it gives away. If you are sad, happy, upset or nervous it comes through the mic clear as day. There is almost no hiding at all. A wobbly voice, being higher in pitch than your normal resonant self, a dry clicky mouth, loud breaths between every sentence and even between words?! Argh! It all comes straight through to the listener.

So what can we do to help cool off a nervous streak? These techniques will help many life situations – new job, big speech or announcement, first night of theatre job, directed voice over session, in studio recording (not at home?!) or even settling down to record a voice over in your own home studio.

Breathing techniques –

– Dont stop! 😉

– Breathing in while counting up to three and then breathing out counting down from three. If this is too easy, extend the counts. Keep it slow. When three feels too short try up to five or even 10.

– Focus on lengthening your exhale. The inhale will automatically take care of its self. Concentrate on really lengthening the exhale. Try to make it at least twice as long as the inhale.

– Blow lips out slowly. Inhale and slowly let the air release through slightly together lips to make a brrrrrr sound. Not only will this relax your breathing but it relaxes your vocal chords.

– Diaphragm darts! Hold an imaginary dart in front of your lips. Imagine throwing and blowing the dart to wall opposite with a strong blow of air from the diaphragm. You can also add consonants to this to help with your vocal warm up.

Let me know if these help you or add your own favourite cooling off tips below. Can never have too many!

Now off back to recording you go! 🧚

Hannah 🎙🤩🎙

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#votips #vo #hints