I have lost my voice! Help!

Hannah as Selena from Icons of Theia

What do I do if I have lost my voice?

Your #agent has called/emailed. They have a brilliant #job for you & it’s needed #asap. They want to schedule a directed session #tomorrow #morning. BUT you have a #cold, a bad one, possibly #covid but you ran out of tests months ago and you won’t physically see anyone apart from #mic anyway 😉. Your #voice has gone, it’s low and breaks mid words. A #voiceover #actors worst #nightmare.

This happened to me recently and I had to re-record nearly every job from that week, either part of or in full. My voice completely went for about 4 days. #Clients were understanding thankfully & I re-recorded or did pick ups as soon as I was less gravely & back to normal. Nearly all are regular clients who know this is a very #unusual occurrence.

But what if clients are new or not quite so understanding? Is there anything you can do when this happens to gently get the voce #working again and ready to read later in the day or next?


If you have the time and space #rest your voice. This means silence. Not whispering loudly – this can harm your voice long term. No shouting. No pretending not to speak while actually straining your voice. #Silence. Email past clients, have a bath, go for a walk… #Silently.

Obviously silence is not always golden & often not enough time before having to record. What are the next options?

Sirening, humming & steaming 🧖‍♂️

🎙 Say the word “sing” and then extend the “ing” slowly up your range & back down.

🔥 Do this #gently & #slowly. It opens & warms up the voice. Glide through your range to any areas which devoice or don’t make a sound. Circle round these areas until the voice comes back.

🌟 Sirening can turn into humming up and down through your range once you have evened out any sticky areas with no voice.

🧖‍♂️ #Steaming is a brilliant option for long term vocal health but also short term fixing. If you can get your hands on a Dr Nelson’s Inhaler do, however if you don’t have a Victorian inhaler of course do not worry. Put your head over bowl of hot water with a towel over your head to keep the steam in and breath slowly through your mouth. Please note it is sometimes not recommended to steam just before using your voice as it can leave the vocal chords sensitive straight after.

It’s still gone!! I need more!

Vocal Zones are #magical little red pastilles which revive a stolen voice. Glycerin pastilles, Manuka #honey & the #chinese #herbal #medicine syrup Nih Jiom Pei Pa Koa (pronounced Peh Pi Kwa).

And if still gone after all that you will have to call your agent and let them hear your #sore#stolen voice. #Apologise & hope they can wait to do it in a few days after you have gone through the list above, again.

Now get back to your booth and stop shouting! 😉

Hannah 🤩🎙🤩